COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (2024)

What is the best SMG in Call of Duty: Mobile Season 4 (2024)? Our tier list reveals all.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (1)

Submachine guns (SMGs) have dominated the Call of Duty: Mobile meta for the best part of a year, with the CBR4, MAC-10, and the PPSh-41 proving too hot to handle.

And while the CBR4 and MAC-10 have been nerfed several times in recent months, with CBR4 getting nerfed even in Season 8 - they have stubbornly remained the best SMGs in the game.

Will that be the case in Season 4 (2024): Fool's? To help answer that, we have created an SMG tier list, ranking each from best to worst.

COD: Mobile Season 4 (2024) - SMG Tier List

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (2)

In a broad sense, SMGs are great for close-quarters combat, excelling up to medium range. With low calibers and light bodies, SMGs usually offer little recoil and an extremely quick time-to-kill (TTK).

Most also have many available attachments that allow you to tailor them to your play style.

For several seasons now, SMGs have been the subject of weapon balance changes, with many underperforming guns getting buffs to give greater parity across the weapon class. That means in Season 4 (2024), there are plenty of viable SMGs to choose from.

In total, there are 25 SMGs in COD: Mobile Season 3 (2024). The most recent addition is TEC-9, which was introduced in Season 3: Vintage Vigilance.

Our SMG tier list will rank the guns from S (the best) to D (the worst) and explain why they've found themselves where they are.


  • CBR4
  • PPSh-41
  • MAC-10
  • GKS

The CBR4 never really came out of the S-tier because, despite its recent nerfs, it's still one of the best SMGs in the game. A high fire rate coupled with little recoil makes it the proto-typical SMG.

In the past season, its reload time has increased, while the movement speed boost when using the YKM Light Stock has been reduced. Not enough to truly dent its incredible power.

Coming in second is the recently buffed MAC-10, which saw its damage range increase. This fast-firing SMG is perfect if your play style is to duck and dive out of cover and get as close as possible to your opponent.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (3)

Coming in third is the PPSh-41, which was buffed in the Season 8 weapon balance changes and has proven a top-tier SMG since. Accurate up to the medium range, with low recoil and a high base magazine capacity, the Soviet-era weapon can dominate any lobby.

A newer addition in the S-tier is the GKS, which was buffed in past season. A favorite of pro players because of its low TTK, though your ability to get the same utility out of it will depend on your skill level.


  • TEC-9 (new)
  • CX9
  • Striker 45
  • OTs 9
  • KSP 45
  • MSMC
  • Switchblade X9
  • Fennec
  • ARG .556
  • HG40

The A-tier is particularly populated after the recent weapon balance changes, which buffed a number of SMGs.

The KSP 45 is unlike most other SMGs; its burst fire mode and impressive range make it a great gun for mid-range gun fights - you just have to make sure you land those shots.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (4)

On the other hand, the Switchblade X9 is from the MAC-10 school of SMGs, small, lightweight, and fast-firing. However, it doesn't pack the same punch as the MAC-10, relegating it to the A-tier.

The MSMC was tweaked back in the past seasons with its first range damage increased, but its first range decreased. This means that you will want to close the gap between you and your opponent, certainly more than you previously would have - a good SMG, especially with the right attachments.

The RUS-79U, Fennec, HG40, and ARG .556 all retain their place in the A-tier.


  • LAPA
  • Cordite
  • QQ9
  • PP19 Bizon
  • MX9
  • Razorback
  • PDW-57

Plenty to choose from in the B-tier, including the recently buffed HG 40 and MX9 and the weapon class's latest addition, the LAPA.

The MX9 is particularly powerful, with increased damage offering more consistent four- and five-shot kills.

The HG40 also received big buffs to its damage range, and it now excels in medium-range duels, offering up a different profile of weapon than is usual in the class.

It is worth mentioning the PP19 Bizon, a very easy-to-use gun with qualities across the board. If you want a jack-of-all-trades, this is the one for you.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (5)

Also buffed back last year, the Razorback and PDW-57 keep their place in the B-tier.


  • QXR
  • Pharo

The most interesting SMG here is the Pharo, which was given a rework in the past seasons.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (6)

Its damage range has been noticeably reduced, though it does have improved recoil control. It's now much more like a MAC-10, and again, if you like to get up real close, this is a decent option.


  • Chicom

While Chicom has received several buffs in the past, it still falls behind the other SMGs.

COD Mobile SMG Tier List Season 5: All Submachine Guns Ranked (2024)


What is the best SMG in Call of Duty Mobile Season 5? ›

Switchblade: Arguably the Best SMG in CoD Mobile

Securing the top spot is the Switchblade. Widely acknowledged as the best SMG in CoD Mobile, the Switchblade strikes the perfect balance between effectiveness and fairness.

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Going off their base stats, potential with attachments, and community observations and place in the current meta of best weapons, the three best SMGs we recommend using in Warzone and Modern Warfare 3: the Striker, WSP Swarm, and Rival-9, with the Striker being the best SMG out of the three.

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ISO 45. But if you want to dominate up-close, the ISO 45 is your best bet. It's odd that this weapon didn't receive any nerfs as part of Season 5, since it's been the best SMG for a while now. Full stop, the ISO 45 has the best time to kîll (TTK) of all the SMGs, making it a no-brainer.

What is the fastest TTK in Call of Duty: Mobile? ›

The AK117 assault rifle possesses the fastest TTK in the game at the moment. Moreover, it also comes with a phenomenally fast rate of fire, which is accurate for taking gunfights from short to medium range. If used correctly, you can expect the 30-round rifle to help you secure at least two kills after you leave spawn.

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AK117. The AK117 assault rifle boasts one of the quickest time-to-kill speeds thanks to its high damage output and rate of fire. It's deadly accurate at short to medium range. The AK117's 30-round magazine allows players to keep firing longer between reloads.

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The Man-O-War has the greatest damage and mobility among assault rifles in Call of Duty Mobile, but it has a relatively smaller magazine size, which can be a problem if you are not accurate with your shots. It can kill enemies with three shots at any range, making it a powerful weapon for medium and long-range combat.

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The Maddox RFB is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It was developed in the United States by the fictional manufacturer Milstop.

What is the number 1 SMG? ›

RAM-9. #1 Best SMG in Warzone. If you prefer suppressors, use the Shadowstriker Suppressor.

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The HRM-9 is the best Submachine Gun in Warzone Ranked Resurgence due to its incredible rate of fire and great mobility.

What is the fastest TTK SMG in Season 5? ›

#2 Lachmann Sub (MP5)

With a lethal time-to-kill (TTK) within 5 meters, it's the fastest-killing SMG in that range. But it's not just about raw power.

What guns got nerfed in season 5? ›

The most-nerfed gun of them all is the Cronen Squall, which has taken another heavy beating with the latest patch. Several SMGs have seen significant buffs, though the sad little Minibak got both nerfs and buffs, and will likely remain one of the most useless firearms in the game.

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Best primary weapon for Ranked Play

If you're looking to hold down a lane in a slayer role, then the MCW assault rifle is the choice of the pros, while the Rival-9 submachine gun is the preferred pick for close-quarters action near the objective.

What is the fastest SMG in warzone Season 5? ›

The Lachmann Sub, echoing the legendary MP5, has long been a contender for the top spot among SMGs. Its reputation is well-deserved. With a lethal time-to-kill (TTK) within 5 meters, it's the fastest-killing SMG in that range. But it's not just about raw power.

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The MTZ-762 is one of the most powerful battle rifle options in Warzone Mobile, making it a solid choice for long-range fights across Verdansk. The recommended attachments will boost your ammo count and provide more recoil control.

Is QQ9 good in codm? ›

Damage and Range

QQ9 is a quick SMG with a good damage range. With the recent buff, its damage range got increased by 30% in close to mid-range. This makes it even more powerful in close to mid-range combat.

Is PDW-57 good in COD Mobile? ›

The PDW-57 has low penetration power, with the PDW-57 only capable of shooting through light cover with any level of proficiency. The PDW-57's rate of fire is slow for an SMG, firing at 750 RPM. This is still a decent fire rate, but it is nonetheless the worst among SMGs, and it is one of the PDW-57's weaknesses.


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